Click here to read more about how to book a tennis court!
- click on “login” if needed
- click on the reservation time – note there are several tabs, one for each court;
- click on “save.” (please add to your address book if the email confirmation ends up in your spam filter
- Be sure to check to check the calendar to see your booking is there at the desired time.
To see the court reservations you have to login as paying member.
To see the court reservations you have to login as paying member.
To see the court reservations you have to login as paying member.
To see the court reservations you have to login as paying member.
Ball machine booking and use
- It can be used on any court, but we strongly recommend that courts #4, #3, #2 and #1 be prioritized for its use; this will reduce frequency of balls straying on to other courts.
- To book the machine on our court booking system, enter your name as usual then for your partner select “Ball Machine” from the drop-down member menu.
- Prior to booking the machine, please scan the other courts for that time to make sure it is not already booked out.
To see the membership list you have to login as paying member.
To see this Tennis Ladder link you have to be logged in as paying member.
Click here for the Tennis Ladder!